DROLabel background colour

Moderators: TomKerekes, dynomotion

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DROLabel background colour

Post by greg9504 » Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:18 am

Using 4.34j
I can't seem to get a label, with either type "Label" or "DROLabel" to have a background other than grey.
Is there any way to format a custom label so they look like the built in X, Y, Z etc text field? Basically looking for a coloured text on a black background...

I've also run into a bug with the Screen Editor where the contents of the screen seem to have been scaled (after opening the add.scr). All the controls on the screen editor are very large and it's impossible to size my screen large enough to see them. I think it would be great if the whole "work area" were in a scroll-able view. See the screen shot.


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Re: DROLabel background colour

Post by TomKerekes » Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:04 pm

Hi greg9504,
Using 4.34j
I can't seem to get a label, with either type "Label" or "DROLabel" to have a background other than grey.
Is there any way to format a custom label so they look like the built in X, Y, Z etc text field? Basically looking for a coloured text on a black background...
Labels/DROLabels automatically use the background color/bitmap of the main dialog as their background. We don't have an option to override this. The only workaround I can think of would be to make a custom background bitmap.
I've also run into a bug with the Screen Editor where the contents of the screen seem to have been scaled (after opening the add.scr). All the controls on the screen editor are very large and it's impossible to size my screen large enough to see them. I think it would be great if the whole "work area" were in a scroll-able view. See the screen shot.
Select the "main" tab and change the Main Dialog Screen Width and Height such to include your controls.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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