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The problem with limitation swich configuration-II

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:54 pm
by yethsts
It must be pointed out that in my program the frame definition is : right-front-up. That means right is the positive x-axis, left is the negative x-axis, and the front is the positive y-axis direction, up is the positive z-axis direction.

1 Firstly, I have tried to change the first line of gcode to "g90 g20". That means I used the inch unit. But the result is the same. The gcode can't run and report the same error like yesterday.

2 Then I recoved the gcode to "g90 G21" again and then do the test as same as yesterday. I have captured the screen after every step, I will show you here.

1) The screen after power on with Machine coord checked is:
Power on with Machine Coord checked.jpg
If I unchecked the Machine Coord choice, the screen is like this:
Power on with Machine Coord unchecked.jpg

Re: The problem with limitation swich configuration-II

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:06 pm
by yethsts
2) After Initalization, the screen is this (After this step I always checked the "Machine Coord" choice in Kmotion CNC)
After Initalization.jpg
3) After single step run the first two line of example gcode program named "Dynomotion.ngc", the CNC screen is this:
After single step the second line of example DynoMotion gcode.jpg
But the result is as I said yesterday, there is a report of system error.

4) At the end of this test, I click the "edit" button of CNC window to see what is the value of fixture offset for 1-G54. The capture screen is:
Edit Fixture Offsets Screen.jpg
5) And I on-the-spot capture the Trajectory Planner Configuration window again (Yesterday I capture it in my home, not in the live/field lab.But the used laptop is the same one).It is:
Trajectory Planner Configuration.jpg
6) And the kmotion version is:
About KMotion version.jpg

Re: The problem with limitation swich configuration-II

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:23 pm
by yethsts
3. If I use a large value for both SoftLimitPos and SoftLimitNeg of all xyz axis, such as +-1e+009 in the beginning of the initalized c program. The second line of gcode can run. And the z-axis motor (In my frame, the positive z-axis is up. the negative is down. right is positvie x axis, and front is the positive y axis direction ) will firstly touch the positive hardware limation switch and the system will stop automatically, and the "Feed Hold" button is toggled. I think this is because I configured the ch->LimitSwitchOptionsas=0x12f, it is the StopMovement mode after being touched.
After the system stop automatically, I capture the Kmotion Axis screen (the cnc screen I forgot to caputure, sorry). It is:
the second line gcode run and stop after I comment all the soft limitation .jpg
I have run 3 time. Every time the second line of gcode can work. But there are two times the system report buffer underflow error after I click the red stop button of Kmotion or Kmotion CNC (I did this because the system has stopped and in "Feed Hold" status after the z-axis hareware limation was touched). It is:
Buffer underflow error.jpg

Re: The problem with limitation swich configuration-II

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:28 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi Huang,

The problem is you have huge G92 Offsets:


So when the GCode commands X8.793 the machine will move to 8.793 + 412.759 = 421.552 mm !!

Clear these to zero or set them to reasonable values.

You probably created these huge offsets by "zeroing" the DRO when the machine commanded to some large value.


Re: The problem with limitation swich configuration-II

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:46 pm
by yethsts
Yes, you are right! The problem is solved after I set all of them as zero. The gcode can run and the motor will go to the destination. Yes I has ever clicked the zero button of the kmotion cnc to study what is the meaning of coordinate. I will study the datasheet carefully.

Thank you very much for your kind help. I am sorry to interrupt your weekend time. Greetng.
