There is an arc (entry move), the end of which is the beginning of the next arc (finishing pass).
An example of a part of the G-code from SolidCam:
Code: Select all
N1 G90 G17 G40 G80
N2 G01 F420.
N3 G41 D1 X31.693 Y33.086
N4 G03 X30.803 Y34.185 I-0.995 J0.105 (entry move arc R 1mm)
N5 G03 X30.803 Y34.185 I-0.398 J-3.779 (circle D 7.6 mm)
N6 M30
But if you enter even the smallest negative value of ToolDiameter in ToolTable, for example 0.0001mm, the second arc is not executed. And no warnings appear.
Additionally: If replace G41 with G42 and make the corrector value positive, the problem will look the same.