KMOTIONCNC Running File Problem

Moderators: TomKerekes, dynomotion

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KMOTIONCNC Running File Problem

Post by REGENS » Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:53 pm

I have a problem in running G-Code files on my new machine, as follows:

While running the G-Code, it skips the X axis movement and goes to the next line before completion of the movement (it continues the movement, but not waiting the Done signal of that axis movement) .

I attach photos and videos for the problem, please help.


bandicam 2020-03-18 17-16-45-095.jpg
bandicam 2020-03-18 17-16-43-126.jpg
bandicam 2020-03-18 17-16-53-208.jpg
bandicam 2020-03-18 17-16-22-885.jpg

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Re: KMOTIONCNC Running File Problem

Post by TomKerekes » Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:37 pm

Hi RegenS,

A common problem is to command the motion faster than what your machine is capable of moving. The Trajectory Planner creates a trajectory based on what you told the Trajectory Planner your system is capable of. If you were to display the trajectory (green DROs) you should see that the GCode lines match the trajectory and the GCode doesn't advance to the next line until after the trajectory is Done. However your actual machine position (blue DROs) may be lagging behind with a large error.

If you configure a small Max Following Error KFLOP will immediately detect this error, disable, and Stop. I'm guessing you have a large Max Following Error configured which tells KFLOP to allow any following errors and to just continue on and ignore the problem.

The solution is to configure all your axes properly so they have settings that they can actually do. A common mistake is to set high velocities then test only small moves that only accelerate to slower speeds. Then when GCode commands a big move it will be discovered that the high velocity is not possible.

So in summary the solution if this is the case is to either:
  1. Make changes to allow your system to move faster and/or accelerate faster
  2. Specify Settings your system can actually do in all case
Also set a small Max Following Error so if there is a problem KFLOP will tell you.

Please read this and this.


Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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