fusion 360 probing routines

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fusion 360 probing routines

Post by boss4 » Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:05 pm

Fusion 360 CAM has a bunch of different probing routines where based on the features being probed and some other settings, it builds a program that would typically call macros to do the actual routines. I take it the way to make use of these with kmotion CNC would be to build C programs that can be called based on M codes to execute those probing routines. The post processing dump file has a pretty huge list of macros and it seems somewhat daunting to do this. Is there another approach that I could be missing? I was hoping that I would find that there is some industry standard G or M code that operates a probe.

The dump file probing routine list is copied below.

case "probe":
case "probing-x":
case "probing-y":
case "probing-z":
case "probing-x-channel":
case "probing-x-channel-not-symmetric":
case "probing-x-channel-with-island":
case "probing-x-wall":
case "probing-x-wall-not-symmetric":
case "probing-y-channel":
case "probing-y-channel-not-symmetric":
case "probing-y-channel-with-island":
case "probing-y-wall":
case "probing-y-wall-not-symmetric":
case "probing-xy-inner-corner":
case "probing-xy-outer-corner":
case "probing-xy-circular-hole":
case "probing-xy-circular-hole-with-island":
case "probing-xy-circular-boss":
case "probing-xy-circular-hole-with-z":
case "probing-xy-circular-hole-island-with-z":
case "probing-xy-circular-boss-with-z":
case "probing-xy-rectangular-hole":
case "probing-xy-rectangular-hole-with-island":
case "probing-xy-rectangular-boss":
case "probing-xy-rectangular-hole-with-z":
case "probing-xy-rectangular-hole-island-with-z":
case "probing-xy-rectangular-boss-with-z":
case "probing-xyz-corner":
case "probing-x-plane-angle":
case "probing-y-plane-angle":

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Re: fusion 360 probing routines

Post by TomKerekes » Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:27 pm

Hi boss4,

I'm not aware of any standard.

It's probably not that daunting. Each of those can probably be performed with one to several "probes" followed by a simple calculation. Where a "probe" is just a relative move somewhere followed by a probe in a particular direction. You could probably use a single MCode/C Program with a parameter to specify the variant.

I'm not familiar with Fusion360. You need to locate details on what exactly those are supposed to do. You'd also want to figure out which of those you actually need. Given a basic "probe" capability maybe Fusion360 will create the necessary "probe" operations necessary.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

Posts: 15
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Re: fusion 360 probing routines

Post by boss4 » Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:50 am

You should try out fusion 360. I'ts nearly as good as solidworks and its free. They even just added electrical design features including PCB design. I find the work flow better than solidworks in terms of ease of use.

You are right about it really not being that many different routines but if I can I am going to try and find a copy of the HAAS macros so that I can look at their logic.

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