Search found 15 matches

by boss4
Wed Aug 02, 2023 5:41 am
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: Jogging past soft limits
Replies: 3
Views: 3609

Re: Jogging past soft limits

That worked great!!
by boss4
Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:41 pm
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: Jogging past soft limits
Replies: 3
Views: 3609

Jogging past soft limits

The application is a 3 axis mill with servos. The machine can jog past soft limits, depending on the jogging speed. This hasn't been a problem in the past. I have just set the soft limits far enough from the hard limit switches that it couldn't happen (1/2in or so). Recently i have been making thing...
by boss4
Sat Jun 18, 2022 8:42 pm
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: GPIO inputs with pull up / pull down.
Replies: 1
Views: 3329

GPIO inputs with pull up / pull down.

Question: Can any of the GPIO inputs on either KFLOP JP4 or JP6 or Kanalog JP12 be setup to have pull ups or pull downs?

by boss4
Tue Apr 26, 2022 4:15 am
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: 3D printable case for kflop + kanalog (or step files for boards)
Replies: 1
Views: 3254

3D printable case for kflop + kanalog (or step files for boards)

I am looking to see if anyone has made a 3 D printable case for Kflop+Kanalog and wants to share the step or stl (or any other cad format). If not are the cad files for the actual kanalog board available? It's been a long time since i have done a PCB design, but as I recall altium at least would pro...
by boss4
Mon May 17, 2021 9:01 pm
Forum: C Programs
Topic: Probing along axis and probing to make a point cloud
Replies: 1
Views: 897

Probing along axis and probing to make a point cloud

Hello, I have just installed the latest KmotionCNC and setup the new Probing Screen Set. This is working great but I wanted to add a couple of routines: 1. probing along an axis (X or Y) and in order to determine rotation of a planar face. What I have in mind is determining the X or Y coordinate of ...
by boss4
Mon May 17, 2021 4:51 am
Forum: KMotionCNC, G Code Files, Offsets, Post Process
Topic: “Led” labels
Replies: 1
Views: 1151

Re: “Led” labels

Ok, so I figured out that it does more or less what I want if I make the style as a toggle button instead of a label. I would assume some of the other button types might work similarly.
by boss4
Mon May 17, 2021 3:11 am
Forum: KMotionCNC, G Code Files, Offsets, Post Process
Topic: “Led” labels
Replies: 1
Views: 1151

“Led” labels

I’m trying to setup led labels using the screen editor to show things like limit switch status and way lubricant pump status. I am trying to have the font color change when the switch is triggered. For whatever reason it works on one of them but doesn’t work on the others. The only it works on is so...
by boss4
Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:50 am
Forum: KMotionCNC, G Code Files, Offsets, Post Process
Topic: fusion 360 probing routines
Replies: 2
Views: 2374

Re: fusion 360 probing routines

You should try out fusion 360. I'ts nearly as good as solidworks and its free. They even just added electrical design features including PCB design. I find the work flow better than solidworks in terms of ease of use. You are right about it really not being that many different routines but if I can ...
by boss4
Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:05 pm
Forum: KMotionCNC, G Code Files, Offsets, Post Process
Topic: fusion 360 probing routines
Replies: 2
Views: 2374

fusion 360 probing routines

Fusion 360 CAM has a bunch of different probing routines where based on the features being probed and some other settings, it builds a program that would typically call macros to do the actual routines. I take it the way to make use of these with kmotion CNC would be to build C programs that can be ...
by boss4
Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:25 pm
Forum: Hardware Interface Issues
Topic: probe interface with kanalog
Replies: 3
Views: 1812

Re: probe interface with kanalog

Thanks Tom I think the battery is an A23 (12v). It would be wired as normally closed.