In this case, the bit (Estop_Bit) should have been triggered. if (!ReadBit(Estop) || !ReadBit(MPG_Estop)) //!chan[AXISX].Enable || !chan[AXISYA].Enable || !chan[AXISYB].Enable || !chan[AXISZ].Enable || { SetBit(Estop_Bit); ClearBit(ENABLE_MPG); ClearBit(Spindle_CW); ClearBit(23); //Поднимем датчик п...
Home by Y #include "KMotionDef.h" #include "ChangePortalDef.h" #define TMP 10 // which spare persist to use to transfer data #include "KflopToKMotionCNCFunctions.c" // Поиск домашенй позиции (по оси Y0 и Y1 которая подчененная) #define Y0_AXIS 1 // Назначим на каих портах оси #define Y1_AXIS 2 #defi...
Home by X and Z #include "KMotionDef.h" #include "KflopToKMotionCNCFunctions.c" #define TMP 10 // which spare persist to use to transfer data #define X_HOME_BIT 6 // Вход датчика оси X #define Z_HOME_BIT 5 // Вход датчика оси Z #define X_AXIS 0 // Назначим на каих портах оси #define Z_AXIS 3 #define...
Hi Tom.
The problem turned out to be the EMI filter.
After replacing the filter, the stops disappeared.
The only thing that remains unclear is why the program did not produce any errors but simply stopped citing a G code error?
Hi Tom. I'm trying to fix the problem but it's no use. The system simply turns off during milling at different times and stops functioning without any visible errors. 777777.jpg This happens with the spindle on. Nothing is reported to the console, it just stops and that’s it. I have already done so ...
Hi Tom. Unfortunately, the problem is not so easy to catch. It’s a pity that the program does not have any quality control for the USB connection. The branched reset line also haunts me. It is impossible to track the reason why processing stops. Perhaps due to the reset line or due to data loss via ...