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by mmeyer
Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:09 pm
Forum: User Machines
Topic: L&P 130 retrofit
Replies: 4
Views: 6047

Re: L&P 130 retrofit

Thanks Tom, To clarify, we have 4 DDS drives. 2 are set up as master and slave spindles. The other 2 control X and Z axis -the slave is positioned with the x and z axis. The industry term is profilator machine for polygon turning. -The hardest part is synchronizing the opposing spindles. Does the Ka...
by mmeyer
Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:45 pm
Forum: User Machines
Topic: L&P 130 retrofit
Replies: 4
Views: 6047

Re: L&P 130 retrofit

Here is the drive manual for anyone interested, appendix C page 4 has the DAE card we currently use

https://s3.amazonaws(DOT)com/Icarus/DOCUMENTS/INDRAMAT_Manuals_2065.pdf (forum won't let me post links, replace the DOT)
by mmeyer
Wed Feb 12, 2020 7:21 pm
Forum: User Machines
Topic: L&P 130 retrofit
Replies: 4
Views: 6047

L&P 130 retrofit

Hi All, Thought I'd ask the experts to see how feasible/crazy my idea is... I have a hunk of old iron (Laschet Partner 130 CNC lathe circa 1995) the drives and servos are in excellent condition (indramat DDS 2.1 drives with MDD servos ) It has Master/Slave spindles with X and Z ways It was previousl...