
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1923 From: bennyattwell Date: 10/11/2011
Subject: query
i have been following this forum for a few months re kflop/ kanalog use etc after watching youtube video of the fanom conversion using kflop.
i do quite a few wood machining centre refits in the uk for customers.

at present im a galil user but the kflop caught my eye as a real "cheaper" alternative.

i wanted to follow the forum for a few reasons.
1 to see what bugs were showing
2 to see how it was programmed and if this was beyond my basic programming knowledge.

reading the instructions from your website i think it seems quite simple (ish) to set up with mach 3 with a bit of help

not owning kflop hardware at the moment i feel a bit out of it! will have to order some to test and play with i think.

so 2 basic questions so far

what ive lost the plot with is what exactly brad is trying to achieve?

how many i/o can kflop/ kanalog handle (as i quite often run out on my conversions with 80 i/o)
oh. a 3rd question. could kflop handle serial i/outputs rs 232/ 485 etc

ps. great forum. seems like tk is very on the ball!
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1926 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/11/2011
Subject: Re: query
Hi Benny,
Regarding I/O KFLOP has 46 IO bits itself.  When connecting Kanalog two of the original connectors are consumed so only 20 I/O are still available from KFLOP, but then Kanalog adds 8 opto in, 8 opto out, 8 relay drivers, 16 diff inputs, 8 TTL in, 8 TTL out (Kanalog 56 total of 76) plus 8 Analog inputs and 8 Analog outputs.
To go beyond that some sort of multiplexing could be used to expand the IO.  I know of at least one user who is using the RS232 to expand the IO (he may be willing o sell these).  We recently added 1024 virtual I/O bits for this purpose. 
The C# contribution Brad has made is really exciting.  C# is much newer and easier to program than C++.  Our KMotionCNC program is written in C++.  C# essentially allows things to be built from pre-written modules and does a lot of the work for you rather than building from the ground up using nuts and bolts.  It also helps a programmer write better code by doing housecleaning for him as well as preventing doing something bad that would otherwise corrupt memory or result in a bug.  Brad has written an entire GUI for a Machine Controller in C#.  This includes the DROs, GCode, Backplotting, Control Buttons, Machine Status, Machine Configuration, Flexible/re-sizable Screen panels, etc...   He has interfaced all this to our KFLOP libraries and done it in a way such that it could be easily adapted to other controllers as well.   AND he has released the entire source code which makes it possible to modify however you desire and potentially add new features that could then be given back to the community.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 1927 From: Ross Ferguson Date: 10/11/2011
Subject: Re: query
Good choice if you go with the KFlop Benny.
I have both a mill and a lathe which we converted to run Mach3 via a Kanalog/Kflop combinations and
I couldn't be happier with the results.
Tom shows endless patience and his help is invaluable.
If you have lost the plot with what Brad is trying to achieve then you can join my club.
I have followed some of that also and I was lost from day one. :)
What he is doing is, IMHO, very unlikely to impinge upon any retrofit that you may want to carry out.


On 11/10/2011 10:18 PM, bennyattwell wrote:
> i have been following this forum for a few months re kflop/ kanalog use etc after watching youtube
> video of the fanom conversion using kflop.
> i do quite a few wood machining centre refits in the uk for customers.
> at present im a galil user but the kflop caught my eye as a real "cheaper" alternative.
> i wanted to follow the forum for a few reasons.
> 1 to see what bugs were showing
> 2 to see how it was programmed and if this was beyond my basic programming knowledge.
> reading the instructions from your website i think it seems quite simple (ish) to set up with mach
> 3 with a bit of help
> not owning kflop hardware at the moment i feel a bit out of it! will have to order some to test
> and play with i think.
> so 2 basic questions so far
> what ive lost the plot with is what exactly brad is trying to achieve?
> how many i/o can kflop/ kanalog handle (as i quite often run out on my conversions with 80 i/o)
> oh. a 3rd question. could kflop handle serial i/outputs rs 232/ 485 etc
> benny
> ps. great forum. seems like tk is very on the ball!

Ferguson Windmills Company
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Group: DynoMotion Message: 1932 From: brad murry Date: 10/11/2011
Subject: Re: query

 Brendon, ( and anyone else confused about my ramblings here )
  • I develop software for a machine tool company.
  • Machine Manager is a machine tool/automation  framework developed in .net
  • KMotion_dotNet is a c# wrapper for the Dynomotion devices that can be used from any CLR compliant language(c#, vb.net, managed c++, IronPython, IronRuby, IronJS, etc...)
  • I just want to share this framework and GUI so that:
  1. others can have a lower point of entry into this field(simplified programming)
  2. we have yet another alternative to Mach as well as KmotionCNC
  3. the .net wrappers could also be used in conjuntion with Mach/KmotionCNC for custom behaviors
  4. I will hopefully get feature requests, feedback and bug reporting so that it becomes better and better
If you have time for a read, continue on:
________________Back Ground______________________________________________________________
   I am a software engineer for an American machine tool manufacturer that specializes in the woodworking and plastic markets.
See here for the machines:
(((The software shots are in the order of 8-10 yrs old, much updating has happened since the videos were made)))
  I stumbled upon the Kflop while resarching some cost effective motion controllers for a line of entry level machines we are developing.  It is an amazing package of hardware+software and I was drooling from the moment I read the specs.
  We are currently using Galil products for our 'economy machines', but I would like to move over to the Kflop and maybe use it for some larger systems as well.  To make this happen, I need to devise a "hardened" enclosure/IO interface(opto-isolated 24v), and I also plan to use it on my personal machine to show the 'higher ups' what it can do.
When I came to Accu-Systems every machine had it's own software, and worse variations had their own software as well(the previous developers would copy/paste/frankenstein the code together any time a new machine order came in). 
  So the first thing I did was to make a uniform framework for wich nearly any machine can be configured and built.  Base level things like points of IO, Axes and axis groups are programmed in c#, while behavior can be controlled via a scripting language(things like a tool-change routine is an excellent candidate for scripting as it may vary slightly from machine to machine).  Add to that framework a flexible GUI layer that can be configured to control any type of machine(CNC or custom process).

________________What am I doing on this forum?_______________________________________________
 The CNCTW project is slated to be the next version of the MachineManager framework, which is really the third iteration as I learned much when writing the first two.
There are also some proprietary technologies I have developed for Accu that I cannot use in an open-source project so that is another reason for the third version.
To get the excellent DynoMotion hardware working in the framework, I had to write a c++ to c# wrapper, which now looks like it will be added to the Kmotion software package.  This will be great for all DynoMotion customers as it should ensure it is always available and maintained to the current version(of which I am happy to continue doing).
So with the CNCTW project, you should be able to command a CNC machining center, a robotics work cell or a cutom automation process.
There is still a bit of work to be done on the framework, but it should be ready as a CNC controller within the next week or two.(it already has much of the basic functionality, just needs some additional features and polishing)
Let me know if there is anything required clarification.
-Brad Murry
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1937 From: brad murry Date: 10/11/2011
Subject: Re: query
I forgot to mention, that when considering the purchase of a Dynomotion product, anything I am working on is absolutely not required.  All tools are there if you know c++ or if you are planning to use KmotionCNC/Mach.
  If what I am doing does not interest you or seem to add value to your projects, then you can completey ignore it.  I am not affilated with Dynomotion(though I love their products almost evangelically).
Brad Murry
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1952 From: Ross Ferguson Date: 10/11/2011
Subject: Re: query
Hi Brad,
I hope you didn't take my comments as being derogatory.
They were not, in any way, intended to be.
It's just that lower mortals, like me, sometimes can get hugely confused by the stuff that's "under the hood".
Tom's and your explanation put a new complexion on what you are doing and you have my total admiration.
Not only for the fact that you are able to do such things but also that you are making it available to all of us.

Many, many thanks, in anticipation of greater things to come.


P.S. 'Evangelical', now there's a lovely expression to show how we feel about CNC, and it's magic.

On 12/10/2011 10:05 AM, brad murry wrote:

I forgot to mention, that when considering the purchase of a Dynomotion product, anything I am working on is absolutely not required.  All tools are there if you know c++ or if you are planning to use KmotionCNC/Mach.
  If what I am doing does not interest you or seem to add value to your projects, then you can completey ignore it.  I am not affilated with Dynomotion(though I love their products almost evangelically).
Brad Murry
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1956 From: brad murry Date: 10/12/2011
Subject: Re: query
Hello Ross,
  Not at all, not worries there.  Hopefully sooner rather than later the GUI I'm working on will be stable enough for guy's that are more interested in making parts than concerning themselves with what is under the hood.  (I want to make some parts too ;))