Hi Scott,
KFLOP has no file system on its own, but when connected to a PC with a
PC App running it can do basic Disk Read or Write Operation. Read
capability was recently added in Version 4.33q. See the KmotionDef.h file for supported
// Note: standard C language printf
int printf(const char *format, ...); // Print formatted string to console
int sprintf(char *s, const char *format, ...); // Print formatted string to string
typedef int FILE;
FILE *fopen(const char*, const char*); // Open a text file for writing on the PC (2nd param = "rt" or "wt")
int fprintf(FILE *f, const char * format, ...); // Print formatted string to the PC's Disk File
int fclose(FILE *f); // Close the disk file on the PC
int Print(char *s); // Print a string to the console window
int PrintFloat(char *Format, double v); // Print a double using printf format, ex "%8.3f\n"
int PrintInt(char *Format, int v); // Print an integer using printf format, ex "result=%4d\n"
int sscanf(const char *_str, const char *_fmt, ...); //scan string and convert to values
#define MAX_READ_DISK_LENGTH 1024 // max allowed length of disk file line length
extern volatile int read_disk_buffer_status; //status of read disk buffer 1=line available, 2=error, 3=eof
extern char read_disk_buffer[MAX_READ_DISK_LENGTH+1];
*fgets(char *str, int n, FILE *file); //read string from PC disk file,
str=buffer, n=buffer length, f=FILE pointer, returns NULL on error
int fscanf(FILE *f, const char *format, ...); //read sting from PC Disk file, convert values, returns number of items converted
int feof(FILE *f); // End of file status for disk reading
Simple DiskReadWrite.c example
include "KMotionDef.h"
FILE *f;
char s[256];
double a=123.456,b=999.999,c=0.001;
double x=0,y=0,z=0;
int result;
// write 3 comma separated values to a disk file
// read them back in
if (!f)
printf("Unable to open file\n");
// read a line and convert 3 doubles
printf("# values converted = %d, x=%f, y=%f, z=%f\n",result,x,y,z);
Group: DynoMotion |
Message: 12393 |
From: cnc_machines |
Date: 10/14/2015 |
Subject: Re: FScanF |
Thanks Tom. I will go ahead and try this. What is the latest stable platform that I can move to? I will be updating 7 machines in production and want to be sure to avoid as many issues as possible.