
Group: DynoMotion Message: 641 From: Bengt Sjoelund Date: 9/11/2010
Subject: CombiMill
I have been tweaking my X and Z axis today and so far it looks good but as 4.22 shows no plots I cannot get deeper into tuning the servos.
Tomorrow I will try to get Y axis on-line as well.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 646 From: Bengt Sjoelund Date: 9/12/2010
Subject: Re: CombiMill
Small update, sorry to say but this servo amplifier is not in the game so I have to look at either getting help from producer or substitute with another amplifier. Moved Z axis into Y and now Y is OK so there is no problems with the servomotor.

I have now X/Y working, what next to get some speed on these?


--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, "Bengt Sjoelund" <cnc@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been tweaking my X and Z axis today and so far it looks good but as 4.22 shows no plots I cannot get deeper into tuning the servos.
> Tomorrow I will try to get Y axis on-line as well.
> Cheers
> Bengt
Group: DynoMotion Message: 647 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 9/12/2010
Subject: Re: CombiMill
Well to get the speed up we would need some information.  What are your speeds?  What are your output limits set at?  Have you tried increasing gains?  Plots of the response?