Changes KFLOP and KMotion Released Versions 4.30g -> 4.30l 02/13/2013 KFLOP ----- - Fix Slave functionality broken in previous version - Allow open loop Step/Dir Slave to proper follow Closed Loop Master KMotion.exe ----------- Added Clear button on Console KMotionCNC/CoordMotion/GCode Interpreter ---------------------------------------- Fixed Halt during M Code issue CoordMotion & Trajectory Planner -------------------------------- - Fix bug with very low feed rates (0.1mm/min) where entire lookahead distance is less than Collinear Tolerance - Fix Motion Buffered IO commands issues with Collinear Tolerance and Corner Rounding KMotion_dotNet_Interop ---------------------- - Fix six Axis Coordinated Motion callback issue KMotion_dotNet -------------- - Fix GCode MCode Call Back return code - Added CheckCoffSize - Added access to PreviouslyStopped State that must be considered or cleared after a Halt - ConvertAbsoluteToMachine and ConvertAbsoluteToInterpreterCoord Conversion functions Added - Fixed GetStatus / WaitToken bug Simple C# Forms Example ----------------------- - Added Test USB Speed Example C# TeachMotion Example ---------------------- - Added new C# example demonstrating capturing/teaching a motion path generated manually with a Joystick. A Boundary can be read in and offset to form a "keep out" region where the Operator will not be allowed to cross into while teaching. The Operator can teach the motion using an on-screen joystick, Gamepad, or a Microsoft sidwinder Force Feed back Joystick. The force feedback joystick will feedback resistance as the Operator approaches the Keep out boundary. The captured motion can be written to a file as a GCode Path Also demonstrates an OpenGL Graphics Window Mach3 Plugin ------------ - Fix Bug where Parabola fit to Mach3 points does an exact reveral and results in a Coordinated motion segment with beginning equal to end. User C Programs --------------- - New example to us toggle switches on a jog panel with analog pot to set speed (JogWithTogglesAndPot.c) - New example showing how to implement external pushbuttons for FeedHold, Cycle Start, Halt, Restart, etc... to work with KMotionCNC (ExternalButtons.c) - More KSTEp Init Examples: InitKStep3AxisNoDisable.c InitKstep4Axis.c On-line Help ------------ - Updated - Add KMotionCNC Buffered IO Commands Description