KFLOP: Eight-Axis, DSP/FPGA-based Motion Controller
DynoMotion's KFLOP card combines a 1.2 GFLOP DSP (TMS320C6722), FPGA, USB, and a PC-based development environment to create a versatile and programmable motion solution. Designed for up to eight-axes control, KFLOP provides advanced control for torque, speed, and position for any mix of stepper, DC brushless, and DC brush motors. KFLOP uses flash memory to store and run multiple-thread compiled C code on a 1.2 GFLOP processor with native 64-bit floating point support for stand-alone operation. A PC connected with a USB cable can be used for control and monitoring.
The included PC-based integrated development environment combines configuration, status, programming, and advanced diagnostic and tuning tools such as Bode plots and signal filtering. GCode support allows coordinated moves between axes. Libraries for controlling the KFLOP card via Visual C++ and Visual Basic are included, as well as a free C compiler. Thread-safe operation allows the IDE to be used in conjunction with a user application for control and debugging.
The KFLOP packs a lot of IO into its 5.0 x 3.5 in package. KFLOP offers 46 Bi-directional I/O bits, shared between dedicated IO and user-defined I/O.
, Ventura, CA. [sales@dynomotion.com]