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Kanalog - Connector Pinouts


JP1/JP2 Differential Inputs

16 Differential Receiver Inputs are provided. Kanalog converts the differential signals to signal ended LVTTL signals and passes them through to existing KFLOP/Kogna I/O pins.

JP1 converts 8 of the signals and connects them to KFLOP/Kogna I/O bits 0-7 (Kflop JP7 Pins 7-14) which are KFLOP's/Kogna's 4 encoder A/B input channels.

JP2 converts 8 of the signals and connects them to KFLOP/Kogna I/O bits 36-43 (Kflop JP5 Pins 1-8) which are General Purpose I/O pins.

Typically up to 4 encoder's A/B signals are connected to JP1 and any Z index inputs are connected to JP2.

These differential inputs are moderately damped with an internal 470ohm resistor connected across the + to - inputs. If additional termination is required an external resistor may be connected.


JP6 - Analog Inputs +/- 10V

(8) +/- 10V analog inputs are provided. These are mapped and referenced as ADC inputs 0-7 for KFLOP/Kogna configuration purposes. Input impedance is approximately 100K ohms.

(8) ground terminals are provided. Kanalog contains a single solid ground plane so these grounds may be used as any digital or analog ground connection.


JP8 - FET Switch Outputs (relay drivers) - watchdog - power outputs

(8) 24V @ 1Amp relay FET Switch Outputs are available on Kanalog mapped as Output Bits 152-159. When activated (checked on or with state "1") the FET Switches make a connection to ground. Normally a load, such as a relay coil is connected between some appropriate +supply and a Switch input. Therefore when the Switch makes a connection to ground, the load is energized.

Caution! Inductive loads MUST have a reverse diode connected in parallel with the load to avoid a high voltage spark when the switch opens. Failure to allow a re-circulating current path on any inductive coil such as a relay, solenoid, or motor is likely to cause permanent damage.

One Enable or Watchdog FET Switch Output is also available (24V @ 1Amp). This switch conducts after KFLOP/Kogna boots, enables the +/-15V generator, and begins communicating with the board. It is recommended that this switch output is used an one of the conditions to enable main system power for motors and other devices.

(2) +3.3V outputs are available to power low current (<100ma) external circuitry.

One low current 1.7V bias current is available. See circuit below:

(4) +5V outputs are available to power low current (<100ma) external circuitry such as encoders. Normally +5V is applied to KFLOP/Kogna JR1 (4 pin white Molex connector) and passes through the ribbon connector to Kanalog. However it is also possible to feed +5V into the system via these terminals. If +5V power is fed into both KFLOP/Kogna and Kanalog the exact same +5V supply must be connected to both.



JP9 - Differential Signals 8-15 to KFLOP/Kogna

The second (8) of the 16 Differential signals pass through to KFLOP/Kogna through this connector. If only the first 8 differential are used then this connector is not required and the 8 KFLOP/Kogna inputs may be used for some other purpose.


JP10 - RS232

The JP10 6-pin phone connector provides 3-wire RS232 connectivity. JP10 Pin3 is used for transmitting data from Kanalog. JP10 Pin 4 is used for receiving data going into Kanalog. Received data is converted to LVTTL and routed to a KFLOP/Kogna I/O bit #44. Data from LVTTL KFLOP/Kogna I/O bit #45 is passed through the RS232 driver and out the Transmit pin. This phone plug connector is designed to be compatible with Automation Direct's PLC line using a crossover phone cable.

Note: Our pin out numbering may differ from most standards. Pin 1 on the board is the pin closest to JP8.

JP11 - Analog Ouputs +/- 10V

(8) +/- 10V analog ouputs are provided. These are mapped and referenced as DAC outputs 0-7 for KFLOP/Kogna configuration purposes. Output impedance is approximately 2K ohms.

(8) ground terminals are provided. Kanalog contains a single solid ground plane so these grounds may be used as any digital or analog ground connection.


JP12 - General Purpose Inputs, Outputs, Low level analog in, Supplies

JP12 is a standard 40 pin IDC header connector.

(8) 3.3V LVTTL Inputs are provided (SDIN0 - SDIN7) mapped as Kanalog Input bits #128-135. Inputs are diode clamped to 3.3V.

Note: To connect 5V signals a 200ohm external series resistor is required

(8) 3.3V LVTTL Outputs are provided (OUT 0 - OUT_7) mapped as Kanalog Output bits #160-167.

ADC channels 0-3 have internal low voltage inputs exposed as signals IN0-IN3. Instead of driving the normal terminal inputs with a voltage range of +/- 10V. The INx pins may be driven with low voltage (0V - 3V) signals with an input impedance of ~10K ohms. This may allow higher resolution with low voltage signals. Caution should be used as these are low voltage unprotected signal inputs.

+/- 15V from the internal DC-DC generator is available on pins V15 (+15V) and VM15 (-15V). 70ma is avai lable for external use for each supply.

ENABLE_ALL is the LVTTL equivalent of the SwitchEnableAll FET output if a logic level is desired instead of the FET SWITCH output.

One additional 24V 1Amp FET switch is available with an exposed gate. Drive signal FET_MISC_GATE to 3.3v to turn on the FET (SwitchMisc) output.


+3.3V and +5V are available on this connector. +3.3V is available as an output only (regulated down from the +5V). +5V is common to all other +5V signals and may be used as input or output.


JP13 - Opto Outputs

(8) totally isolated and independent optically isolated outputs are provided.

Opto output transistors are rated for a max voltage of 80V and will conduct up to 25ma of current.



JP14 - KFLOP/Kogna

This is the main connection between KFLOP/Kogna and Kanalog and should consist of a short 26-pin one-one ribbon cable.

Analog and digital data passes through this cable in serial form. The first 8 differential signals pass to the KFLOP/Kogna in parallel form.

None of these signals should be used by the User.


JP15 - Opto Inputs

(8) totaly isolated and independent optically isolated inputs are provided.

Input LEDs have a series resistance of 10Kohms and may be driven directly by any voltage from 5-24V. Max drain of 2.4ma when driven with 24V.
