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KMotion - Connector Pinouts

JR1 - 5V Power (regulated +/- 5%)

Typical current = 0.7Amps with no user I/O connected. More current may be required dependent on the amount of Digital I/O and Analog +/- 15V consumed by the user. Up to 2 watts of +/-15 volts is generated on board from this 5V supply (most of which is available for external use). 5V @ 2.5A should be more than sufficient under all conditions. The 12V input is not used internally by the board, but is routed to pins on the 37pin DB Motor connector and the 16 pin Aux Connector for the convenience of the user. 5V power is also routed to the 37pin DB Motor connector, 5V power may be applied at whichever connector is more convenient. This connector is only rated for 6.5Amps per connection, if more total motor current is required, power should be externally routed to the 37pin DB Supply 0-3 inputs directly.

This connector is a standard PC-disk drive power connector which makes it easy to drive the board and small to medium size motors (< 12V) with an inexpensive PC power supply and very few external connections. Simply plug the PC power supply here, jumper the +12V signals on the DB37 Pin connector to the desired motor supply inputs, and connect your motors.

Power 4pin


JDP1 - Motor/Motor Supply (12-55V) Connector

The KMotion motion control board is basically a 4 axis Motor controller that consists of 8 full bridge drivers (see figure 1). A full bridge driver is able to apply a positive or negative voltage to a load using only a single positive supply. The load is connected across the OUTA and OUTB terminals. The 8 full bridge drivers are grouped into 4 pairs, where a pair of full bridge drivers are associated with a motor axis. This is because some types of motors (stepper motors or 3-phase motors require more than a single full bridge to drive them).

Each axis (and pair of full bridge drivers) share a common power supply pin, heat sink, encoder input, and current sense circuitry. Each axis may be of a different type (DC-Brush, 3-phase brushless, or stepper) and may use a different supply voltage (12-55V DC). If a DC-Brush motor is used for an axis only one of the full bridge drivers are used, the other is left unconnected. 3-phase brushless motors use 1½ full bridges (3 - half bridges), and stepper motors have 2 coils which require both full bridges.

Motor type DC -Brush Motor type - 3 Phase brushless Motor type - Stepper
Axis 0 Connect Motor across OUTA0-OUTB0
Leave OUTA1-OUTB1 disconnected
Connect Phase A to OUTA0
Connect Phase B to OUTB0
Connect Phase C to OUTA1
Leave OUTB1 disconnected
Connect Coil A across OUTA0-OUTB0
Connect Coil B across OUTA1-OUTB1
Axis 1 Connect Motor across OUTA2-OUTB2
Leave OUTA3-OUTB3 disconnected
Connect Phase A to OUTA2
Connect Phase B to OUTB2
Connect Phase C to OUTA3
Leave OUTB3 disconnected
Connect Coil A across OUTA2-OUTB2
Connect Coil B across OUTA3-OUTB3
Axis 2 Connect Motor across OUTA4-OUTB4
Leave OUTA5-OUTB5 disconnected
Connect Phase A to OUTA4
Connect Phase B to OUTB4
Connect Phase C to OUTA5
Leave OUTB5 disconnected
Connect Coil A across OUTA4-OUTB4
Connect Coil B across OUTA5-OUTB5
Axis 3 Connect Motor across OUTA6-OUTB6
Leave OUTA7-OUTB7 disconnected
Connect Phase A to OUTA6
Connect Phase B to OUTB6
Connect Phase C to OUTA7
Leave OUTB7 disconnected
Connect Coil A across OUTA6-OUTB6
Connect Coil B across OUTA7-OUTB7

Also available on this connector is PBRST#. Short PBRST# to ground to reset the board. This signal is internally de-bounced. Under normal conditions, on-board power up reset should suffice so this pin may be left disconnected. Also connecting this pin to the DOG pin will enable the on board watchdog circuitry, whenever there is no DSP/FPGA activity detected for 1 second the board will be automatically reset. This is not normally required and may be left disconnected.




This connector is only used for advanced debugging using an XDS510 JTAG in circuit emulator. A small amount of regulated 3.3V (<0.5 Amp) is available on this connector if needed for external use.


JP3 - Digital/Analog IO

4 channels of +/- 10V analog inputs, 4 channels of +/- 10V analog outputs, 4 channels of 0-4V analog outputs, 22 LVTTL bi-directional digital I/O, and +5, +15, -15 power supply outputs. Many Digital I/O bits are pre-defined as encoder, home, or limit inputs (see table below) but if not required for the particular application may be used as general purpose I/O. Digital Outputs may sink/source 10 ma. Digital I/O is LVTTL (3.3V) but is 5 V tolerant.

Caution! This connector contains +/- 15 v signals. Shorts to low voltage pins are likely to cause permanent damage to the board!



Pin Name Description
1 ADC0_10V ADC Chan 0 +/- 10V input
2 ADC1_10V ADC Chan 1 +/- 10V input
3 ADC2_10V ADC Chan 2 +/- 10V input
4 ADC3_10V ADC Chan 3 +/- 10V input
5 DAC0_10V DAC Chan 0 +/- 10V output
6 DAC1_10V DAC Chan 1 +/- 10V output
7 DAC2_10V DAC Chan 2 +/- 10V output
8 DAC3_10V DAC Chan 3 +/- 10V output
9 DAC4 DAC Chan 4 0-4V output
10 DAC5 DAC Chan 5 0-4V output
11 DAC6 DAC Chan 6 0-4V output
12 DAC7 DAC Chan 7 0-4V output
13 VM15 -15V @ 0.07 Amps Output
14 V15 +15V @ 0.07 Amps Output
15 IO0 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 0 Encoder Input Phase A
16 IO1 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 0 Encoder Input Phase B
17 IO2 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 1 Encoder Input Phase A
18 IO3 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 1 Encoder Input Phase B
19 IO4 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 2 Encoder Input Phase A
20 IO5 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 2 Encoder Input Phase B
21 IO6 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 3 Encoder Input Phase A
22 IO7 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 3 Encoder Input Phase B
23 IO8 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 0 Home or Step 0 output
24 IO9 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 1 Home or Dir 0 output
25 IO10 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 2 Home or Step 1 output
26 IO11 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 3 Home or Dir 1 output
27 IO12 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 0 + Limit or Step 2 output
28 IO13 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 0 - Limit or Dir 2 output
29 IO14 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 1 + Limit or Step 3 output
30 IO15 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 1 - Limit or Dir 3 output
31 IO16 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 2 + Limit
32 IO17 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 2 - Limit
33 IO18 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 3 + Limit
34 IO19 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O or Axis 3 - Limit
35 IO20 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O
36 IO21 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O
37 VDD5 +5 Volts Output
38 VDD5 +5 Volts Output
39 GND Digital and Analog Ground
40 GND Digital and Analog Ground

JP4 - Aux Connector

Auxiliary connector which supplies power, reset, one 0-4V DAC, and 8 digital I/O normally connected to optional expansion daughter boards. If no expansion module is required these digital I/O may be used for general purpose use. Note: IO20 and IO21 are also routed to JP3



Pin Name Description
1 VDD5 +5 Volts Output
2 VDD12 +12 Volts Output
3 DAC7 DAC Chan 7 0-4V output
4 RESET# Power up Reset (low true) output
5 IO20 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O
6 IO21 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O
7 IO22 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O
8 GND Digital and Analog Ground
9 GND Digital and Analog Ground
10 IO23 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O
11 IO24 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O
12 IO25 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O
13 IO26 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O
14 IO27 Gen Purpose LVTTL I/O
15 VM15 -15V @ 0.07 Amps Output
16 V15 +15V @ 0.07 Amps Output

Fan and Aux Switches

Kmotion contains two SPST switches to ground capable of driving up to 30V @ 2A. One is dedicated to driving the cooling fan and one is available for another use. If the fan is not required by the application (less than 2Amps drawn on all axis) it may also be used to drive an external load. Each of the switches is connected to a 2 pin connector. One of the pins is connected to the 5V supply and the other pin is switched to ground. If the load requires 5V (i.e.. a 5V fan) it may be connected directly across the 2 pins. If other than a 5V load is required, then external user supplied wiring to the supply is required and only the pin that is switched to ground should be connected. See below.


Here is an example of how a solenoid may be driven with the Auxiliary Switch:

Analog I/O circuit

Circuit diagram of analog I/O buffers showing conversion from industry standard +/- 10V ranges to onboard 0-4V ADC/DAC converters. Note 50K input impedance. REFP = 4V, REFK = 1.43V
